Retirement Options
If you are approaching retirement, or, if you are thinking of taking benefits from your existing pension arrangements, then you will have a number of options to consider. In many instances it is possible to draw retirement benefits from an existing pension arrangement and continue working. It is important to carefully consider all the available options, so that you are able to choose the most suitable method of taking your benefits, to match your circumstances and preferences.
We can offer you advice across the whole range of Retirement Options, including:
- Lifetime Annuities (including Impaired Life & Enhanced Annuities)
- Lifetime Annuity ‘Open Market Option’
- Tax Free Cash Entitlement & Income Options
- Unsecured Pension & Income Withdrawal
- Phased Retirement
- Alternatively Secured Pension
- Lump Sum ‘Triviality Option’

Get In Touch
Please complete our enquiry form, or contact us using the details at the bottom of this page.
Wyatt Morris Golland Ltd
Park House
200 Drake Street
OL16 1PJ
Tel:01706 655117
Or: 01706 646976
M-F: 9am-5pm